Cornwall Diaries: Day 4 & 5

Day 4 and 5, and the last blogged days of Cornwall – day 6 was a rainy day spent in the caravan, and day 7 was spent in the car for three hours to get home, so no blogging there. We spent ages trying to decided what to do with ourselves, and finally settled on the Seal Santuary in Gweek (the place isn’t relevant, but how cool is the name Gweek?!). 
The next day was just a walk around the nature walk on the campsite with the pooch.
 How pretty is this photo? Maybe a new Summer blog photo I feel. And that was that! 

I’m back home for the Summer now, in Wiltshire, and I’m so excited to have a couple of months off from uni life… uni life is great, don’t get me wrong! But Summer at home is always a nice break. 

See you through the Summer, 

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