Instagram Update – August

I arrived home from a lovely, restful bank holiday at home yesterday to find out that our house internet had expired, so no YouTube, no Facebook… and hardly any blogging from me for a while. What a bummer – that student life, eh? 

While I had a minute with wifi I thought I’d upload August’s Instagram Update. I feel like so much happened this month, what with Baby Showers, moving house, a LOT of visits from the parents, which was lovely, so there should be quite a bit to catch up on…
1. Our New Housemate
I came home from work one day to find this chap on my bed. We called him Marmite and he loves to visit us in the evening for a few cuddles, then he heads home again for the night. 

2. Bournemouth Air Show
Not being overly interested in the planes, this is the only photo I got from the air show. Dad came down to visit (the planes) and, seeing as it was the Summer Holidays (despite the weather!) we treated ourselves to an ice-cream each. Very British. 

3. Lorikeet Feeding
No lorikeet-poo-removed needed this time! 

4. Home Visit
I popped home over the bank holiday weekend to see the family, and this is my mum and I on one of our dog walks. One of our dogs has aged quite a lot of the last few months, so our walks have slowed down a lot, leaving enough time to take a selfie or two. 

5. September will be the New January!
I’m getting fit this month, and August saw a few practice goes (most of them very unsuccessful). Uni is starting again, which means I’ll be heading back to rowing. And this is the time when I regret not keeping up with my fitness! 

6. I Love it When It’s Wintery
It was freezing over the weekend, and wet and miserable. But I love being able to wear my woolies and snugglies out and about. And I fished out the ol’ fleecey onesie while I was at home too, so I’m looking forward to some (internet-less 🙁 ) nights in watching movies and being all cosy. (Look out for a winter evening post soon!)

7. Supper in the Bath
I got this photo in a text from my mum, and it just cracked me up. Good ol’ Kevin.

8. Last Supper at Castle Road
This was at the end of July time, but this was the last dinner I ate at Castle Road – very emosh! I went for a homemade Chicken and Chickpea Curry, so good! 

And that’s that for another month. I know it’s so cliche, but I can’t believe that it’s September already! And while we’re on the subject, where on Earth (literally) was our Summer? I’m in the process of reorganising some of my blog posts at the moment, as a result of our internet blunder and lack of 4g on my contract, but fingers crossed I’ll sort something out! 

Until next time…



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