Wednesday: Reunited with the Seaside

Dad had his day off today, and the weather was fine, so we decided to go on a spontaneous trip to Lyme Regis and the Sidmouth Donkey Sanctuary.I hadn’t been to Lyme Regis before (or, at least I was too young to know where I was when I did) and it had been years since I’d been to the Donkey Sanctuary, so it was a very different day out… and a good excuse for a blog!
I’ve been away from Bournemouth for quite a few weeks now, and I’m starting to get beach-withdrawal… there wasn’t really a beach at Lyme Regis, but the sea was enough to fufill my cravings. There’s a long wall there which used to be a port (I think!), and you can walk the whole way along it. I took a bit of a moment to take photos of the sea, and to just chill for a second of the day. It was bliss! 
Don’t ask, haha!  

We had a quick look around the shops, but my favourite by far was this little second hand book shop, which was basically a cupboard filled with old books. While we were inside a ginger and white kitten turned up, and lingered around until after we’d left. That’s my typical view of a seaside town bookshop. 
Next, we headed to the Donkey Sanctuary. The Donkey Sanctuary is one of my favourite places, I LOVE donkeys! The Donkey Sanctuary is a haven for rescue donkeys that have all come from different backgrounds, most of them having been through a tough time or not treated very well. You can just wander around and see them happily chilling in their fields and barns, and it’s lovely. 

 I could spend all day at the Donkey Sanctuary! Here’s a link to their website, if you’d like more information or to visit (I highly recommend!). 

Well, we’re over halfway through the week of diaries now, just two more days to go. I’m going to bed now with an episode of Gossip Girl, so I wake up all fresh and ready to make tomorrow as interesting as possible! 

Night night, 

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