Tuesday: In Which Jester and I Meet a Very Dapper Cat

Day two of my weekly blog project, and another day of no particular plans. The weather today has been amazing from the moment I woke up, and it’s great, like a proper Summer! I had a cheeky little oversleep today too, but with no plans means no rush. I watched a bit of YouTube on my iPad, then got up to start the day. 
I headed to the gym again, in my quest to get back my uni fitness! I left feeling really ill and stomach-achy… that’s a good sign, right? So I headed home after for a relaxing afternoon to make up for my morning of exercise (sorry, that’s a sure sign that it’s going to be another quiet post… sorry about that guys).  While I was relaxing I squeezed in some blog planning – after this week I’m back to normal posting, so I’m trying to get myself organised and ready for it! 
By the afternoon Jester-pooch was getting antsy and pointing his big brown eyes in my direction, ready for his afternoon walk. So we headed to the park and had a run around (well… a casual mooch around rather). 
 And we made a friend on our walk too. Seriously, how dapper is this cat with his cute little neck-scarf on!
Mum was at work again today, so I cooked dinner for us. I went for a chicken Tikka Masala, with chickpeas, spinach, and Pilau rice on the side (recipe here). And poppadoms of course. Fun fact… I’d been calling them ‘pom-padoms’ my whole life, until a few years ago, when the lovely waiter in an Indian restaurant corrected me. How embarrassing!
And that was another day done. I’m in bed now, catching up on YouTube. I’ve been watching the old Pewdiepie videos of him playing The Walking Dead, and I was in tears last night! It’s better than watching a series on Netflix!

Night night. 

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