Monday: A Sneaky Boohoo Treat

After a long while of being a lazy blogger and not getting a lot posted, I came to the decision to do a week (well, Monday to Friday) of daily diary posts. Some days I may not do a lot and it may be hard work, but there’s a few days where I’m free to make plans and hopefully get out of the house. I’m also hoping that this project is going to give me a chance to get back into blogger mode, and back into the swing of things. So, here’s Monday’s diary, and the kickstart to this week…

Knowing that I was doing this project this week, I sat down first thing, with my breakfast of raspberries, greek yogurt and weetabix, to plan what I was up to. I love this weekly planner, I got it for Christmas from my uncle a few years ago, and it’s so handy when I’m at uni. Not long though, and I was distracted by my Boohoo parcel, which had arrived. Look out for the Boohoo Haul post coming next week!

In between photographing for my Boohoo Haul I stopped for a little Magnum break. What can I say, I love a Magnum, whatever the weather.

After this I changed my clothes and headed to the gym for a quickie workout – I’m desperately trying to keep a bit of my fitness ready for when I get back to uni rowing, but it’s a struggle with work and everything else! I did a bit on the cross trainer, a bit on the erg, and some weights to finish off and called it a day. 
After the gym I headed to my mum’s shop, and met Jester pooch. We had some lunch (sweet chilli chicken pieces and spinach in a wholegrain wrap, yum yum!) and walked home along the canal. 

I cooked Chili with rice and Doritos for dinner for me and mum, and spent the evening catching up with some Gossip Girl and a cuppa of Earl Grey. Bliss. 

And that’s that for day 1 of the week of blogging. Not very exciting today I’m afraid, but hopefully it’s not too bad 😀 

See you tomorrow for Day 2,

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