Why a Countryside Vacay Could be Just What You Need

It’s been a – here we go – tough year for all of us, but the travel opportunities are starting to come back, and it could be exactly what you need right now. I’ve just got back from a weekend away in the Cotswolds, and I feel totally refreshed. After the stress of checking all the travel restrictions and allowances, packing the right bits and bobs for it, and from booking to arrival keeping an eye on any updates, a countryside getaway was just what I needed, and it could be what you need too!

The first thing to address is the lack of crowds, which I guess is a big part of going out and about for everyone at the moment. While I love bustling round a busy, city Christmas market, this year just isn’t the time for that, so heading to a countryside instead is the best option. We picked somewhere with lot’s of options for countryside walks, and with that, lot’s of space for avoiding people.

It’s been a pretty mad year, so taking a bit of time to go somewhere that gives you the space to completely switch off is amazing. Somewhere like this gives you no choice – there’s no shops, there’s no people, there’s just wild space for walking. You can’t help but feel relaxed when you’re walking around surrounded by trees and listening to the birds – you couldn’t get more cliche if you tried, but if it works it works.

If you’ve been feeling a little uptight lately, breathing in some fresh air will also improve your mood by a million percent. Going somewhere where there’s no traffic and no busy city buildings will give your lungs the chance to refresh themselves. Not to mention the fitness you’ll get from all the walking about!

In general, getting a change of scenery lets you refresh yourself. The best advice is to go somewhere completely different that your everyday view. If you live in a city it’s easy to choose a different countryside, but if you live in the countryside anyway, go to a mountainous area. If you live in a mountainous area, head to the beach. There’s options for everyone out there.



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