Kicking a 27-Year Habit

Ready for probably the most self-indulgent post I’ve written (and hopefully will ever write)?

For any readers who have ever bitten their nails, or even had another habit, you’ll understand where I’m coming from, but if you’ve been lucky enough to not have a bad habit, then this will most likely be a bit of a boring post for you…

I’ve bitten my nails for as long as I can remember. I’m pretty sure my nails had never had white on them, and I’d even got to the point (and any squeamish people may want to skip a few lines) where I wasn’t even just biting the nails any more – I was biting so much that I was ending up with no nail at all at the ends of my fingers. Anyone who had met me in person over the last year or so will know just how gross it was.

I’d tried several times to give up, trying different methods. I used that horrid tasting varnish, but I would just eat through it and then get a stomach ache. I tried stopping cold-turkey, but that didn’t work. I tried putting fake ones on, but there was nothing for them to stick to, so they would just fall off, then I’d be back to biting again.

Then, one day, I decided that enough was enough. After 27 years of having no nails, it was time to grow them. And it was time to try something new.

I started with my thumb nails. It was only two less nails than I’d usually be biting, so that was pretty easy – even if it did look pretty odd just having long thumb nails. Then, once I felt ready, I moved onto the two nails next to the thumbs. Eventually I had long thumb nails, ring finger nails, and middle finger nails. That went on for a while, the last two fingers were definitely the hardest. But then one day I woke up, and I didn’t have the urge any more. No urge to even bite them at all.

And that’s my nail biting story. Like I said, any nail biters will appreciate how big a deal this is, but anyone else is probably wondering why on Earth I spent a post on this. Let’s just say I’m not sure I’ll ever be more smug with myself than I am right now! 


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