Keeping Your Dog Sane During Isolation

Another week of lock down almost down, and what personally feels like my first real week, due to work ending for me on Tuesday. I’m discovering that it’s important to keep yourself busy, otherwise it’s going to be so easy to fall into months of laziness and then probably end up with cabin fever. But it’s not just me that we noticed thinking this – Bob was too. 

He’d barking at absolutely anything or anyone that he spots walking past the window, he’s throwing his toys around, and being so needy for our attention. He also started sulking, and he’s usually a very happy little pup. So, as well as focusing on what we’re doing to stay sane during the quarantine, we had to take a look at how to keep Bob sane.

Share your daily exercise 
Obviously don’t sacrifice your pooch’s walk for your daily outing, combine the two. We’ve started splitting up out outings so that Bob can get two walks a day, and it works so much better for him. 

Be available for attention
Bob’s always been a cuddly dog, but nowadays he needs even more cuddles and head strokes throughout the day. Be prepared to give that to your furry friend. 

Let them be in your space
If you’re working from home, let them join you. When I was working in the dining room I brought Bob’s blankets and a couple of cushions in, and made him a bed on the floor. He spent the whole time sleeping next to me, which was lovely for both of us. 

Remember them when your shopping
Grocery shopping is stressful nowadays, but don’t forget to pick them up a treat while you’re out. 

Have distractions for them
This isn’t a problem for Bob, he just heads over to his toy box and entertains himself whenever he gets bored. Great toys are puzzles that they have to spend time on to work out. 

Introduce extra play times to the day
You don’t have to be out and about to be entertaining your pooch. Grab a ball and head out into the garden. 


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