The Lock Down Diaries: Week Two

Another week in lock down, and I’m starting to get into the swing of things. It feels a little like I’ve booked off holiday and keep worrying about the time I’m wasting, as if it’ll all be over and I’ll be back to work again.

One of my all time favourite films is now on Netflix – I, Tonya, and I’ve already watched it twice this week. It’s the reason I bought myself a pair of lovely lace-up, white ice skates, which I’ve used a total of about four times ever since. Alex and I have also been having a lot of video call catch ups and working our way through the Louis Theroux documentaries on Netflix. Currently we’re midway through the Weird Weekends series. The bad thing is we’re really on a binge with it, the good thing is we can kind of convince ourselves that it’s educational.

I also tried Tiger King this week after hearing so much about it – but it wasn’t for me. I hate to say it, because I’d love to get on board with the memes and comments, but I made it to midway through episode two and couldn’t watch anymore.

Anyone who follows my Instagram would’ve seen that I attempted making honeycomb this week. And, for once, it was a big success! Honeycomb only requires three ingredients, only took about fifteen minutes to make, and was so easy. And the results were delicious, so if you’re trying to think of something to do with your time this is definitely an idea I’d recommend. I’ll be posting the recipe for this later this week, so keep an eye out for that.

This week was all about trying to get into a routine, and I wouldn’t say I’ve achieved it yet, but the fitness took a bit of a step up. I’ve so far been using an app to do a morning routine that involves a bit of  moving around, then using a weight workout from Instagram, mainly on my arms and butt at the moment.

I also got my bike out on one of the sunnier days this week (and I did wear my helmet, I just took it off for the photo). My main aim of this week’s bike ride was to make sure my bike still works after being in the garage for a couple of years, but with a few tweaks and a bike pump, it was working like new. Admittedly I said last week that I was going to try and get back into running, but that’s not gone well this week. I’m starting to favour the bike over my feet now, so there could be a change on the cards for next year’s charity challenge.

It was also about time for Bob to have a bath, which is always a job. He hates having a bath, he leans as far over the bath edge as he can, and shakes so much it sounds like he’s knocking against the wall, but afterwards he loves the dry off with the towel, and really loves the good-boy treat he gets. Not to mention he looks oh so cute and fluffy!


Honestly, this week… nothing really. I fished out this month’s Women’s Health magazine and read my way through that, but books wise I’m a little in between at the moment. I have a new Kindle due to arrive later this week, so I’m holding off starting something new until then.

It’s a bit of a quiet week this week, but my plan is to plan ahead more for the upcoming weeks. As usual, hope you’re all keeping safe and finding things to do with your time.

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