A Travel Diary: A Quiet Holiday in Menorca

I’m back with another travel post – still in Spain, but this time on an island. I’m talking the beautiful location that is Menorca. Unlike my travels in Sevilla, this wasn’t a bustling city, with a day and night buzz. The particular area of Menorca we were staying was a quiet haven where you could please yourself day to day – so brace yourself for a very short and simple travel post. Rather than a hotel we had our own little villa, with a pool and garden to laze in. It was bliss.

Before I start, I have to clarify – this was a holiday back in September, before any further travel restrictions were in place. At the time of the visit, we had to have a negative test to show on arrival, among all the other paper works and reports, and then do a test while we were out there. Then of course, the test once we were home. A lot of testing, but worth it for a holiday.

After bustling around the busy city a couple of weeks before, we were well and truly ready for a quiet time. Work had been manic for both me and my partner, so switching off for a few days was needed. Rather than going out to gather things to fill a post, we spend the days lounging by the pool, swimming everyday, and reading – Lord of the Flies for me this time, what a book.

When we wanted a break from the villa, we could pop out for a walk. It was mainly coastal walks, with bumpy pathways opening up hidden beaches. Then at night, we could walk into the harbour for a choice of restaurants, then bars after dinner.

So, not a detailed travel post – but I won’t lie to you, I enjoyed digging out these holiday snaps. Don’t you think they’re such typical holiday photos? After having not seen anything like this in over 18 months, it’s kind of a relief. Here’s to hoping we’re not heading back to a ban on them for too long!


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