5 Things that Happened When I Finished University

I finished uni in June, and came to the realisation that this time it wasn’t just another summer holiday at home. This time I was at home and not going back – okay, so not that dramatic, but it was a big deal. I went through loads of feelings, but I thought that there were a few things that happened that have probably happened to everyone else who left uni as well, and if you’re leaving uni in the future, what to prepare yourself for. So here’s five things that happened to me when I finished university.

1. I moved back home
And for the last time, and it was strange.  You start off meeting up with your home friends, having a catch up, but realise after a while that it’s not just a catch up any more. And that’s the really nice side of it. But you sometimes end up with bouts of the uni blues, learning how to not live with your friends in your own house any more. Not only that, but you also discover that you now have two bedrooms worth of stuff to now somehow fit into one room, and that’s a challenge in itself. 

2. Everyone constantly asks you “What Now?”
The question everyone wants to know the answer to now is what your next move is. What amazing job are you going to start, where are you going to move to, what your life plans are. And it’s nice that people are interested but there’s one problem… 

3. You constantly ask yourself “What Now?”
You have no idea. You’re only just coming to terms with the fact that you have to actually adult now, so you haven’t planned any further than how you’re going to get all your stuff home from uni. And, this is a big warning, but, when people and yourself are constantly asking this question, you will probably start to panic, and think that you should have planned this sooner. But don’t worry, we’re all in the same boat. 

4. You find out which friendships were meant to last
This sounds cringey and cliche, but you find out who you’re going to keep in contact with, and those you are not. This doesn’t mean that they weren’t ‘real friendships’, but you just realise who you’re going to keep messaging and meet up with after uni has finished. 

5. You realise that just being out of uni doesn’t mean you have money now
This should be a simple one, but it never clicks. Being a student, you have no money at all, what with the rent, bills and nights out. And it hits home hard when you realise that just being at home doesn’t mean that you suddenly have money. It’s time to start saving! And back to the summer job, which is no longer just a summer job either. 

And that’s just five of the things that happen when you finish university. Obviously there’s a ton of other emotions and feelings that you go through, but if I was to sit here and try and list them all I’d  be here all week. It’s very overwhelming, and slightly sad when uni is over, but also exciting. It’s exciting to think of what comes next, where you’ll be. 

Watch this space!

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