February Favourites

I know it’s mid-march, and the February Favourites post is long over-due, so I finally found some time to sit down today and sort out my post. There’s not many favourites on the list for this months… mainly because February feels like so long ago that I’ve forgotten where my February favourites ends, and my March favourites begins!
1. Bacon on Toast
Somehow this month I ended up with a lot of opportunities to treat myself to a nice at-home breakfast, and my go-to was usually bacon on toast. 
2. Bedroom Plants
Spring is around the corner now, but in February it was still grey and gloomy outside, so filling my bedroom with plants and greenery made me feel so much more homely. Plus the post-Valentines Day discount daffodils were hard to pass up on. 
3. Notion by Tash Sultana
March has been a more upbeat music kind of a month, but in February I was listening to Notion by Tash Sultana. It’s a bit of a moody, sultry song, but I love it, and it fitted my mood perfectly! 
4. 101 Dalmatians
You’ve probably seen it mentioned in several other posts, but I have been obsessed lately with the Disney film, 101 Dalmatians. I love it!  

5. Kindle
I’ve dug out my Kindle again recently, and made it my mission to read more. Everything is very fast-paced and stressed at the moment what with training constantly, and always being busy with uni work. So I’m making it my target to read at least once a day to give myself a chance to switch off from all my to-do tasks.

And that’s my (rather short) list of (rather late) February Favourites. I’ve already started making a note of things that stand out to me this month, so hopefully I’ll be a bit more on the ball with my March Favourites post. 

So until then,

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