The Lock Down Diaries: Week Three and Four

Hello everyone, how’s it going? We’ve been on lock down now for a few weeks, but it really doesn’t feel anymore normal yet, does it? And this week it was announced that the UK lock down has been extended at least a little longer, so finding useful ways to fill our time became that bit more important, if not also a little more challenging – or exciting, depending on how you look at it.  

When the UK lock down started I attempted a lock down diaries at the end of each week, however, after doing it for just two weeks I took a little break from the Lock Down Diaries last week – let’s face it, not a lot has been happening recently, so a little break was needed to gather up some things to report on. 


I’ve been absolutely binging out on Real Housewives, which I am secretly ashamed of, but it’s such a guilty pleasure. I reported that I was watching them a few weeks ago, but it’s hit a new level this week. My plan was to finish off the Real Housewives of New York and then delete my Hayu subscription, but then they released a new series. So, to fill the time waiting between RHONY episodes, I also started Real Housewives of Beverley Hills.

I’ve also made more of an effort to watch films as well. I started with a film called Operation Finale, which was very good, if you’re looking for a wartime based film. Then, on a recommendation, I tried Moneyball on Netflix, but didn’t really have an idea on what was going on – it’s all about baseball, which I unfortunately don’t know much about. But, I finished the week off with Mystic Pizza, a Julia Roberts classic, and loved it.

I made lemon drizzle cake this week, and it was lovely. We’ve been making it for a while using the cake mixes that you just add water and an egg to, which are still tasty, but I wanted to attempt to make my own using all the ingredients, and see if there was a difference. I’ll be posting the recipe up on the blog later in the week, so keep an eye out for that.

I took a long look at my blog Instagram account this week, and decided to attempt to make it better – it was all a bit dull and mish-mash, so I downloaded a few photo editing apps on my phone and toyed around a bit, and have started to make a few changes on it. You can check it out here.

I also signed up to a few online courses to fill my time a little. I signed up to a business course, because that’s always useful, a journalism one, to do something I’ve always wondered about, and then a blogging one to see if I can pick up any tips along the way. 


There were a few down days weather wise this week, which I spend inside doing those bits and bobs, but for the days that were sunny I headed outside as much as possible. We’re really luck to have a garden to sit in, and we’ve been working on improving it the last few weeks, so I spend a lot of time sitting in the chairs outside. I also took Bob the dog out for a few walks, and took full advantage of the beautiful blossoms that have already come out. Has anyone elses’ camera roll been filled up with photos of blossoms yet? 

My new Kindle arrived last week, which I’m so excited about, but it’s had the same affect as Netflix. At the moment there’s so much choice I don’t know what to read first. I’ve started with the first Game of Thrones book, which I already watched the series of, but any recommendations of good reads please send them my way. I’ve also downloaded Stepford Wives and Fight Club, as I love a film that’s based on a book. 

It was my dad’s birthday this week. He lives on his own, so I made an effort to go and see him from a distance this week. Luckily it was a beautiful day, so I could take my daily walk over to his house and sit in the front garden while he opened his presents. I found a few of my mum’s old photo albums before I’d gone round, and found some great photos of my dad to share for the occasion. 

Another week of lock down gone by, and another few to go, at least. I hope everyone is finding things to do, and keeping positive. 


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