Malta Diaries – Mdina

Sending my dad and I off on a holiday abroad is like waiting to watch a comedy film. Neither of us are greatly travelled, and we’re both from a small, country-bumpkin kind of town, so we don’t particularly have big city sense either!

Day 2 in Malta, we got lost. We started off walking around one of the towns (Mosta), then decided to head to the next on our list – Mdina (pronounced ‘Em-dee-na’), which you may have seen parts of in Game of Thrones – think Kings Landing, Little Finger’s brothel, and the scene for the fight between Ned and Jamie.

Although we got lost on our way between the two (what started as a walk to the bus stop quickly turned into a 2-hour hike), it was quite nice to see the countryside and things we’d have missed otherwise. We walked past a stadium of some sort and there were hundreds of little hutches and boxes set up – it turned out they were set up for the local stray cats.

After our exhausting day of wandering around Malta, we decided to spend the next day relaxing at the hotel and their lovely pool. The pool at our hotel was a salt water pool, surrounded by sun loungers and palm trees. Anyone looking at the photos would think we were somewhere far more exotic! 

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