The Lock Down Diaries: Week Five

When I started the Lock Down Diaries series it was mainly to show what I’d been doing with my time in quarantine, but with the lock down in the UK being extended it’s become more of a way for me to keep on track with how long we’ve actually been shut down. Honestly, I still have to check last week’s post every time I write a new one just to check how long it’s been and what week we’re on.

This week was a little different, and I had a little experience of what it’s like to worry about your health – completely false alarm, but it’s still not a pleasant time. I had a migraine at the end of this week, which I’ve not really had before, and it was horrible. I had a headache, I felt nauseous, and I had no energy. One of the night’s I also felt hot one minute, and then cold the next. I was busy on Google looking for the symptoms, but luckily it was just a migraine, and I feel much better now. But still not a fun time.


I had a bit of a film binge this week, especially when I was shut in my room in the dark, trying to get rid of the migraine situation. I started with Jumanji, the first remake. I’ve already seen it a few times, and there’s something about it that I really like. Almost watched it again, but managed to stop myself.

Then I joined Disney+, another thing that I’m way behind the trend on. I’ve mainly been watching the Simpsons on it so far, but also watched Cool Runnings earlier in the week. I also went back to my old favourite, Kung Fu Panda, but the second one with the peacock. Absolutely love that film.

And then for spare time watching, I obviously carried on my crusade with The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills. I also took another look at the Hayu series, Fashion Bloggers, and then got all caught up on RuPaul’s Drag Race on Netflix.


Usually I don’t cook my own dinners, as I still live at home and by the time I get home from work my mum has cooked dinner for me. However, with currently having no work I’ve had more time, and so have been cooking for myself four days a week. This week I fished out the One Pound Meals cookbook by Miguel Barclay for my inspiration.

I had a korma lentil chicken bowl, Katsu chicken curry (which I didn’t cook well), a chicken paella type dish, and a toad in the hole. This week it was also a birthday cake week. I tried (and didn’t totally succeed) in making a beach scene cake that I’d seen on Pinterest. It was totally one of those ‘Nailed It’ reveal moments where it looks nothing like it was supposed to.


Sleeping, mainly. Up until Thursday I was busy, painting the garden fence and getting ready for a birthday in our house, but after Thursday is when the migraine hit, and I didn’t get a lot done activity wise. To make myself feel better I went into full self-care mode (thank you Acts of Kindness to Yourself post), and had a pamper evening. I took a bubbly bath while watching Real Housewives, lit a candle, and bought myself some special extra dark chocolate to nibble on.

However, there were a lot of big changes on the blog this week, as you may have noticed. After a lot of research I decided to take the leap and make the blog a ‘.com’ website. The blog was five years old at the start of this year (which I missed, as I was still on my blogging break), and with all this spare time I have at the moment it felt like the right time to make the upgrade.

I also spent a lot of time – although there is more time needed – on the theme of the blog, making the layout how I wanted it, getting all the widgets and whatnot in place (sorry, blogging term there), and getting everything switched over to how I wanted it to be. It’s been something that’s been on my mind for a long time, and I’m really happy with it now I’ve done it.


This week we had a work birthday in the girl’s team, so we organised a little quiz on Zoom. We each took a round, and then took it in turns to be the quiz master. I hadn’t done a quiz up until now, even though I know I’m very late to the game, but it was fun.

Other than that it was a big week for playing on the PS4 with Alex. We’ve been going back to the early days of PS4 and playing in the party mode, with our headphones and speakers in.

Week five will definitely go down as one of the rougher weeks of my lock down experience, I can’t wait for it to be over. With all the blog updates I’ve got a lot of updates to get used to, I’ve completely changed the way and platform that I’m using, so please bear with, there might be a few ups and downs, but hopefully it’ll all be uphill from here.



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