(Probably) The Best Lemon and Honey Tea Recipe

In all my excitement over the last few posts about Autumn arriving I forgot one thing – the dreaded comon cold. I catch a cold on the changeover between the hot and cold parts of the year every time, without fail. So, I’ve cancelled all my plans for today – which didn’t take long – and settled down with The Pioneer Woman on tv to try and boost myself out of it.

Whenever I get a cold I fall back into survival mode, bringing back up all the tips and myths I’ve been told about how to cure a cold. Hide under a furry throw so you sweat it out? Yep. Filling up on Vitamin C foods? Of course. Spicy curry for dinner? That’s the plan.

But my favourite remedy, whether it works or not, is lemon and honey tea. It’s supposed to be particularly soothing if you’re suffering from a sore throat, and a cough – the honey is supposed to be good for the cough, and the lemon is full of vitamin C. As far as medicine-related remedies go it’s probably one of the easiest to go down – as long as you get your proportions right.

Lemon and Honey Tea

1 tbsp juice from a lemon
2 tbsp honey
Hot water

This is the recipe I use, and it’s the most delicious that I’ve tried. I call it tea, but it doesn’t actually have anything tea related in it – it just adds to the comfort-feeling you get from drinking it – and when I have a cold I’m willing to try anything that’s got a chance of making me feel less sorry for myself.

What are your go-tos when you come down with a cold? If anything, at least it’s an excuse to have a do-nothing day with Netflix and a comfy blanket. Any great recommendations, send them my way, and I hope you have a lovely week.



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