Two Travel Books I’ve Been Reading this Week

I’m not sure if this was perfect timing or the worst timing, but this week my solo travel handbook arrived. When I wrote my post back in April on how to fulfil your wanderlust while in lockdown, I added reading travel-related books to the list. Following my own advice – for once – I bought a few books to get myself through my China time – if you haven’t seen my other post yet, I’m supposed to be in China right now – and these are two of my favourites.

The Kindness of Strangers

This is such an Instagrammable book, it’s so pretty. I mentioned this book briefly before when I first bought it from Stanford’s in London, but it’s described as being full of ‘travel stories that make your heart grow’. This is a great book for anyone who’s wanting a flashback to when travelling was fully possible, or whether you need a bit of a boost that there’ll be kind people about when you get back to travelling.

Plus, it’s short stories, so it’s easy to flit back and forth to whenever you just want a quick little story to read.

The Solo Travel Handbook

This is a non-fiction option, and is a really encouraging little book for any solo travellers. It not only gives good advice on the important and serious parts of solo travel, but also gives advice on the more fun bits, like documenting your travels through social media and photography.

More than anything it’s just a really handy little book to have in your collection, especially after a long break from travelling.



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