Goals for 2021

Let me just take a moment to appreciate the first post title featuring 2021 – phew, okay, I’m ready!

I’m not sure how it’s so possible to feel like we went on a classic big NYE night out when we had to stay in, or if it’s just all in my head, but today is a lazy day. Plus I have one more weekend left of the Christmas holiday, so I intend to do absolutely nothing with it. If you need me today, you’ll find me on Disney+.

It’s a particularly hard year to decide on goals for next year, what with no one really having a clue what it’s going to look like yet. Plus, I think we’ve all earned a bit of a break from pushing ourselves, so I’m keeping it simple this year! It’s a lot easier to find a challenging goal when you’ve done absolutely nothing with the previous year, don’t you think?

0.1 Get fit. And this year try and get an all over body-fit plan together for myself. Right at the start of lockdown 1.0 I started working on a new weekly workout, and it really worked for me. I found that the best thing for me was to choose a different area to focus on each day, rather than just going full body everyday. I already have myself booked in for a 2021 half marathon, so that’s on my list to train for, and getting fit overall is there for the rest of me.

0.2 Stop biting my nails (again). I stopped biting my nails after about twenty seven years of doing it. Befor lockdown I was in the habit of getting my nails done every month, but with lockdown it meant that I had to do a bit of at-home treatment, and it wasn’t enjoyed by my nails. Sadly I slipped back into the nibbling a little, so it’s back on my list. As soon as they’re long enough and I can get back to the nail salon I’ll be there.

0.3 Go on at least one holiday. At this point I’m not bothered on whether it’s a staycation or somewhere abroad, just trying to squeeze at least one holiday out of the year. Obviously this is on the list, but only if it’s allowed and safe to do so, so it’s partly out of my control. I guess you could make this one more of a wishlist for the year.

0.4 Up my blog game. I’ve been slowly starting on this one where I can. My big aim for the blog this year is to get every aspect of the blog up together and on track. I’ll be working a lot on the content on the blog, but also working away on the social side of things. If you don’t follow me yet, you can find links to all my pages on my Contact Page.

0.5 Do more of the things I love. A little bit of selfish on the goals list for 2021, is to do more things that I enjoy. I did do pretty well at that in 2020 with all the time off I had from work, so it’s more carrying that on through 2021.



  1. Carrie Pankratz
    January 2, 2021 / 2:18 pm

    These are almost my exact goals for this year! I am desperate for a vacation, my nails are a mess, I’ve gained 10 lbs, and I hope to up my blog game as well. I’m also continuing to focus more on my family this year. Thanks for making me feel like my simple goals are what we all probably need in 2021.

  2. January 5, 2021 / 5:33 am

    Honestly the 5th goal is so important. I spent so much of 2020 trying to keep others around me happy. This year, it’s time to make me a priority!

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