MY PRODUCTS: SPF Booster | Eye Cream | Powder Blusher | Mascara | Eye Masks | Lip Balm | Cosmetic Bag
I would say that making sure you’re taking care of yourself is just as important as taking care of your little one.
One of the things I’ve always been keen to keep on top of is my daily ‘self-maintenance’, as I’m calling it. Essentially, I’m talking about my make-up routine. But once you have a newborn in your life, make-up changes hugely, I’ve found. Where I used to use foundation, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, etc. All of which I had the time to carefully put on without being disturbed. Now, I need a much quicker morning maintenance routine that I can throw in when I have a second to spare.
One of my reasonings for still doing this – as I know there will always be people, my husband included, who say you don’t need it – is my self-care. I knew that giving up on my self-care would be the easiest one to go once I had a newborn in the house. But, also one of the most impactful, in my opinion. I don’t put on make-up because I want to take photos of myself and feel all cute. But rather, because it reminds me to look after myself amongst everything else I have going on.
So, whether you also have a newborn, or if you have a busy lifestyle that doesn’t leave a lot of time for your morning routine, this is my easy self-maintenance that covers the basics of what makes me feel looked after.
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SPF Booster
When I was looking into anti-aging products and advice, SPF came up a lot. Plus this one comes into protecting your skin, rather than just a pamper, so it’s a double tick box on the list.
For the last few years I’ve been using the Me+ Anti-Oxidant SPF Booster from Superdrug. It’s just a little pre-makeup extra that adds a little extra protection for the day. I just add a few drops to my face – usually cheeks and forehead – then rub it in well. It’ll feel a little greasy to begin with, but rub it in and it soon disappears.
Alternatively there are some like this Garnier Vitamin C Brightening Serum that work in other ways too. Find out which works best for you, and stock up in your self-maintenance bag.
Day Cream
Moisturiser makes me instantly feel like I’ve given myself some self-care. I don’t know if it’s the product itself, or the face massage you get rubbing it in, but this goes into my routine everyday without fail. The one I’m using at the moment is the Eclat Skin London Shea Butter and Collagen Day Cream, but in the past I’ve also fallen back on the Simple Kind to Skin Hydrating Moisturiser, or the Aveeno Calm and Restore Oat Gel Moisturiser.
Rather than covering my face in foundation, bronzer and shimmer, I just add a bit of blusher these days. I think it adds a glow to your cheeks and can instantly make you look (and therefore feel) a little more like you’re glowing. Because I’ve already put on moisturiser and the SPF booster, I usually go for a powder blusher, like my Revolution Blusher Reloaded in Peaches and Cream. I just apply it to my cheeks using a big makeup brush.
If it’s a special treat day, I might opt instead for my MUA Blushed Liquid Cream Blusher in Peach Puff, or the Dr Pawpaw Tinted Balm – which can also double up for your lips. But then would perhaps miss out a moisturiser day to avoid my face feeling too heavy.
Black Mascara
I miss out all my eye makeup now, except mascara. I have blonde eyelashes, so I can look a bit tired if I avoid it. So mascara is on my everyday list. When I was think starting to think about having a baby in the house, this is what I said I would make my aim to put on everyday, and so far so good. It gives me a boost each day that I’ve managed to put it on, so it works wonders for my self-esteem.
I fall back on my Maybelline Great Lash mascara. It does the job and lasts well throughout the day. This is something I stock up on in my self-maintenance bag, so I always have a go-to ready at hand.

Lip Balm
Lip balm is a saviour. It’s not many of my coat pockets that I put my hand in and don’t pull out a lip balm of some sort. Before the baby arrived, I bought this Burts Bees Lip Balm set, and popped a couple in my self-maintenance bag and in my handbag, so I’d always have one ready to go. This was one of the things I also popped in my hospital bag so I’d have something to treat myself with while I was in a baggy nightie in a hospital bed. It’s amazing how much a spot of lip balm can do for you.
Eye Cream
And this isn’t an everyday essential on my list, but something I throw in when I get a chance. It’s an attempt to avoid the tired eyes, which are no doubt one of my biggest features right now.
I’ve been using the Me+ Niacinamide Eye Cream, which I just pop a little on. This is a step where, if I find I don’t have time in my morning routine, I’ll just move to my evening routine.
And if I have more time… Beauugreen Pomegranate and Ruby Hydrogel Eye Patch. I’ve never used these sorts of things before, I’d only seen them being used on things like Real Housewives, and they seemed very boujie. But battling the puffy, tired eyes at the moment is real, and this way feels like a real treat. It’s like a face mask for just your eyes.
And that’s my little quick morning routine. Make sure you’re always looking after yourself and setting yourself up for the best day!