My Autumn Goals for 2024

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It feels a little bit like Autumn has arrived in a big way this year…

My Instagram has been Autumn themed for weeks now. Everyone seems to be uploading photos of home decor for the season, seasonal walks, personal Autumn goals and wishes, and lots and lots of pumpkin content. And I’m here for it. So, inspired by everyone, I’m going to think about my own goals for Autumn, and what I want to have done by the time we’re in the Christmas season.

I think about this every year, especially for my Autumn goals. I always want to get the absolute most from the season, and it feels like there’s such a big change between Summer and this month. I want to give Joaquin a great first Fall season too, seeing as he’s a ‘ber baby, rather than the Summer baby he was supposed to be.

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0.1 Go for an Autumnal walk

One of the best things about Autumn is going for a walk on a dry, crisp day. Kicking your way through the crunchy leaves, watching Bob run around in his cosy jumper. So this one is top of the list. Particularly having our baby and pram this year, I’m looking forward to a walk with a takeaway coffee tucked in the cup holder.

We also have a lovely walk that we can do literally from our front door. It goes through a small field with a path that we call ‘Squirrel Park’, because there are so many squirrels there – this is Bob’s favourite part. Then along the canal path, through a woodland, and back through the houses. It’s lovely.

0.2 Have a cosy movie day

A must on every list, but for Autumn there’s a particular focus on the cosy part. I’ve already bought lots of cosy clothes – leggings, oversized jumpers, fleeces – ready for relaxing after coming home from the hospital with the baby, so I’ve got that covered. Then there are lots of blankets and throws, cushions, just lamplight, rather than the main lights. And obviously, candles.

My Autumn Film List:
When Harry Met Sally
You’ve Got Mail
Hocus Pocus (if we’re getting towards Halloween)
Little Women
Mystic Pizza

0.3 Visit a pumpkin patch

And successfully this time. We went a few years ago and picked a day after awful weather, so it was very swampy. We also went when most of the pumpkins were gone, and I forgot to take any photos. So overall, a fun but not very successful trip.

But I want to try again this year. Not even particularly for the pumpkin-buying, but more for the day out. I want to find one that’s got a few things going on that we can have a good day out, rather than just walking around a swamp for pumpkins again. I’m currently on the lookout for local pumpkin patches, so perhaps watch this space for more.

0.4 Make an Autumn bake

If you don’t bake in Autumn, have you fully embraced it? I like to put an Autumnal film on my laptop in the kitchen, light a candle, and bake something season-themed. My favourite in the last few years has been the Pumpkin Patch Chocolate Chip Loaf Cake, so it may be that again this year. But I’m planning to do a little research to see whether I can find something else I fancy trying this year. Any recommendations are welcome.

0.5 Make our home cosy for Autumn

In Autumn I want to feel cosy every day in my home, whether I’m relaxing or bustling. Particularly this year I’ll be spending a lot more time in my home, so I’m desperate to make sure it’s cosy. I’ll be filling it with my Autumn-themed candles, and making it smell like fall the second I walk in the door. I like getting cosy under a fluffy throw as well, with lots of cushions to snuggle in. This year I also want to purchase a candle warmer light, like this one. They’re so cosy-looking and something a bit different.

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0.6 Take care of my skin

Every year I promise myself I’ll look after my skin, and every year I don’t. Especially my poor, dry lips. This year I’ve already stocked up on skincare to motivate myself and made a head start as part of my post-baby routine, which I’ll link below.

I’ve ready-packed my Burts Bees lip balms in every bag and coat pocket, so I’ll never have the excuse that I went out without one.

0.7 Keep the garden going through Autumn

All the plants and flowers I nurtured through Summer have pretty much gone now, and it’s looking very bare in our garden. It’s very sad looking. But I want to try and see if I can save it a little bit this year. I’ll need to research what I can plant to keep it going, or whether it’s even worth it for me, but I’ll add it to my bucket list. Any suggestions are very welcome.

And that’s my Autumn bucket list for this year. What’s on your list?

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