My Lock Down Birthday

There’s been a lot of strange experiences during the quarantine, Queuing up to get in supermarkets, crossing the road to give people room, not being able to buy plain flour anywhere. But I’m among the people who have had a birthday during the lock down, and it’s been a really unusual experience.

Before it all kicked off in the UK, I was looking forward to having my 28th birthday on a bank holiday for the first time ever. An extra day to celebrate my birthday, I was thinking of planning a trip away somewhere, a big night out on the Saturday perhaps, and getting three days to celebrate. Of course, my plans changed drastically by the time it actually got to my birthday. In the end we sat in the lovely sunshine in the garden and had a family BBQ.

I went into the day not expecting a big deal. I knew that my mum and dad had bought me a few things, but most of it wasn’t arriving yet, and other than that I wasn’t going to see anyone anyway, so it was lovely to get the things I did. I also had a few cards arrive in the post from different people, which was really nice to get. And then got a bunch of flowers in the post as well, from a university friend, which was amazing.

Then in the evening, the boys and I had a video call with a few drinks, and did a little quiz. Much more subdued than a usual birthday, but filled with lovely gestures and acts by my friends and family. I hope anyone else who has a birthday during the lock down has as lovely a time as I did, and I’m sure we’ll all celebrate once we’re out and about again.



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