The Lock Down Diaries: Week Nine

The last few weeks I’ve really been getting the hang of not doing anything with my time, but this week was a little more productive than usual – very fitting after last week’s post was on being productive, clearly I managed to follow my own advice this time. The last few weeks I also changed the style of the Lock Down Diaries slightly, but for this week’s post I’m going back to the old days, and giving you a little catch up of what I’ve been up to.


I started working through the Star Wars films this week, but watching them in chronological order – so, working through Phantom Menace (1), Attack of the Clones (2), Revenge of the Sith (3), then Rogue One, and Solo, and then A New Hope (4), and The Empire Strikes Back (5). Next week I’ll carry on with Return of the Jedi, then carry on to the newer trilogy.


A lot of meals made with leftovers this week, I over shopped on vegetables at the start of the week, and then panicked that they would all go out of date. I’m keeping a list of all the stir fry recipes I make to put a post together soon, so keep an eye out for that if a stir fry is one of your favourites like mine. I also finally made a chilli, which I’ve been wanting to do for weeks, but could never get all the ingredients for.

I also made scones today, another thing that’s easy and cheap to buy, but I’ve always wanted a go at making. I’m considering doing a little picnic this week if the weather stays nice, so these are a little addition to the food side of things. I’ll also be popping up the recipe for those this week.


The biggest task on my list this week was giving blood, something I’ve been doing for a while. I think if you can do it it’s a really important thing to do – of course, I know some people either can’t for medical reasons, or can’t because it’s just something they can’t endure, which is completely understandable from anyone who has given blood. It’s not for everyone.


I’ve still not read anything much beyond Women’s Health Magazine and a Red magazine I bought for travel collage purposes, but I have downloaded Stepford Wives and Fight Club on my Kindle, so I have every intention of actually reading something some time soon.



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