The Lock Down Diaries: Week Ten

I had a completely different lock down diaries planned for today, written up, photographed and everything – but it just doesn’t feel like the day for it today, so I’ve got a last minute change. My original post for today was all about FOGO, the new FOMO, but it’s been such a lovely few days here in Wiltshire that I don’t feel like posting heavy, and there’s so much going on in the world right now that it doesn’t seem quite right to focus on that subject as a problem right now.

So, this week I’ve got another week of normal diary-ing for you, and later in the week I’ll post my original post, so keep an eye out for that. There’ll also be an end of month favourites next week, as we’re already another month through the year, believe it or not. So for now, let’s get into another weekly lock down diary.


On a recommendation from my friend, Alex, I started watching American Crime Story: The People versus OJ last week, and finished it this week. It was interesting even though we obviously know the outcome, and surprisingly relevant at the moment, so that’s definitely worth a watch if you’re looking for a 10-part series. After that I’ve also started on the next season, which is The Assassination of Versace. It’s good, but quite heavy, so be warned.

I also spent an hour watching the Childish Gambino film, Guava Island, and it’s such a recommendation if you’re looking for a film not too long to watch. It’s got Childish Gambino and Rihanna in it, and a few songs as well. Definitely worth a watch.


I had to add a section for music this week, and I’ve been obsessed with Childish Gambino this week. I’d obviously heard his music before, but sitting in the sun I decided to put his whole song list on Spotify on shuffle, and I can’t stop listening now. My favourites are Bed Peace, Summertime Magic, and Favourite Song.


My dad brought round some Elderflower Cordial last week, which I wasn’t really a fan of when I originally tried it with tap water. But this week I tried it with Lemonade, and it’s so good! I had pretty much given up fizzy drinks and squash, so really didn’t want to get into this, but it’s a nice treat every now and then.

Dinner has been a lot of things like stir fry this week, which is easy to eat in the heat. I don’t know if this is everyone, but whenever it’s hot all I want to eat is vegetables.

And then of course I made scones this week, so they popped up in my diet for a few days. They’re great for that 3pm snack that I always crave, and were really easy to make. You can find the recipe for the ones I made here, and then just grab some jam and cream.


This week I finally finished one of my online courses – I signed up to so many at the start of lock down and then kind of forgot about them. This week I went back to them and managed to finish my blogging course – so just Business, Journalism, and Wedding Planning to do now.

Other than that, not a lot was done other than sitting in the garden in the sun. I was getting into the habit of sitting in my room all the time, which was bringing out the cabin fever a bit, so I encouraged myself to sit outside this week under the parasol, and it was so nice. Our garden is full of birds chirping, and squirrels coming along the fence, so it’s a really nice place to sit and just watch.

I also had a bit of a holiday shop this week – not to buy just yet, but looking at possible new destinations to use my credit on. At the moment I’m swaying towards Cuba, it looks beautiful – and, of course, inspired slightly (ahem, very) by Guava Island. Any other recommendations please feel free to comment, I’m up for ideas.



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