May Favourites

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I don’t know about you, but at the moment I can’t decide if time is flying this year or if it’s dragging. I saw a meme the other day that said this has been the longest fast year ever, and it seemed to be right somehow. It feels like it’s been ages since my birthday, but at the same time I can’t believe it’s June already. Hey ho.

Another month means another monthly favourites, and I’ve had a few things on my list ready to go from the start this time round – it’s been a busy month for someone that’s been in lock down. So, here’s my list of monthly favourites for May.


Last month I was raving about InstaTravel, the travel book by Instagram influencer Aggie, and included it in several of my posts. This month, as a birthday gift, I added InstaStyle to my collection, and I love these books. They’re just as much fun to flick through and just look at the photos as they are to read, and a great addition for any blogger or Instagrammer looking for inspiration.


I’m praying that these come in for summer! I hadn’t worn an anklet in years, but I decided to give one a go when I was having a shop on ASOS, and now I wouldn’t be without mine. It adds a little boho to your outfit if you’re in your day wear, and is just another piece of bling for an evening wear look. I’ll be collecting far more of these in the future. This is the one I have.

Summertime Magic – Childish Gambino

If you haven’t chosen your summer song yet, I might have one for you. If you haven’t listened to Summertime Magic by Childish Gambino yet it’s definitely worth a listen. It has his usual unique sounds on it, with a feel that’s perfect for listening to in the garden in the sunshine. It’s also featured in the short (just under an hour long) film, Guava Island, which is also worth a watch if you’ve got an empty hour to fill.

Bird Watching

Previously thought of as being for the older generation, but I’ve actually got quite into it in the sunnier days. I’m not quite out and about with my camouflage and binoculars yet – to be honest I don’t have the patience for that. But I’m loving sitting in my garden watching the birds come and go. So relaxing, until I’m running to the kitchen for our book of garden birds.

Raspberry Magnums

A twist on the usual Magnums, and feels almost as though they’re not quite as bad for you – they do have a fruit in the title, so that’s enough for me.

Silk Headbands

Especially oversized ones. I bought this cream one from ASOS this week and it’s beautiful. Obviously I haven’t had much of an occasion to wear it just yet, but you can believe I’ll be donning it on my next zoom call.

My Birthday

And, of course, my birthday was one of my favourite things about May. I had big plans for my birthday because it was on a bank holiday, but of course that got cancelled, and I spent my birthday in lock down. We made the most of it though, and it was still a great day. You can read more about my lock down birthday here…


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