June Favourites

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I’m sorry I’ve been away! It’s been a bit of a few weeks of being a bit all over the place, but not a lot has happened really. I gave myself a bit of the lock down anxieties, so didn’t feel very much like blogging, and wasn’t at all inspired, so I took a bit of a break. But I’m making an attempt to jump back into it, so let’s see how it goes.

Bit late with the favourites this month – or last month – but I’ve had a list of my June favourites ready to go for a while, so I’m going ahead with the post. June was actually a bit summery for a few days at least, so I managed to squeeze a few Summer-themed favourites in there as well.

Mood Rings

I did mention this previously in its own post, but I can’t get enough of mood rings right now. If you believe they’re legit or you don’t, I just love looking up the colour of my ring and saying something like ‘ooh, I’m feeling sassy right now’, or something. They’re just a bit of fun to add to your outfit.

Straw Hat

Straw boaters have been big among the influencers on Instagram lately, but I’m not quite at that confidence level just yet. Instead, I’ve been wearing this straw hat from ASOS. It’s really cute, and a great start for anyone like me who’s not quite a confident hat wearer just yet.

Amazon Dot

I featured this* on my Father’s Day Gift Ideas post, and while I was writing about it I managed to convince myself that I also needed one for myself. I’m not quite at the point where I want the more expensive version, but the Dot is perfect for my needs from it. Plus, it looks adorable!


As part of my weekly workouts while I’m in lockdown I’ve started adding a bit of running into my fitness routine. In March, right before the lock down started, I ran two half marathons in two weeks. I said – just like I did last year – that I would never do it again, but I’ve been slowly getting back into it, and slowly getting a bit of a love for it again. No half marathons on the horizon just yet, but this is a start.

Elizabeth Scarlett Bag

I got this free with my Birchbox order from a few months ago, but finally started using it, and it’s gorgeous. It’s a dainty little bag, so I’ve been using it when I stay away to keep my hair accessories and jewellery in, and it’s perfect.


I’m late on the wagon for this one, but I binge watched the whole of Pose on Netflix, and it was amazing. And a nice break from Real Housewives watching.

And that was my favourites from June. If you follow me on Instagram you’ll have seen that I’m going on my Summer holiday over the next few days, so I won’t be on the blog. But I’m back late on Wednesday, and hoping to get back on it a bit!


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