Making a Five-Year Plan

I think the last year has shown us that you can’t always plan for everything, and anything – or everything – can change when you least expect it. For me, 2020 was my year of more travel. For the first time I had two holidays already booked, one of which was a two-week travelling holiday, and of course had to cancel those pretty quick.

But, having seven months off work has made me feel a little bit dumped in my current routine – I realised that I’d gotten quite comfortable with where I was, which is great, but that I’d lost sight of what I want in the future. So, after having a little bit of a sit down and think, I came up with several options. I’ll include a brief version of mine at the bottom of the post, but in between, I’ve listed how I made mine.

Don’t go into the plan too specific

If you have a company that you want to work for in particular, or if there’s something specific that you want to aim for then it’s fine to go for it, but if you can, leave it a little vague so you’re not setting yourself up for failure.

Again, don’t set yourself up for failure

In the same sense, remember that it’s only a five year plan, it’s not a life goals plan – you can do that separately. Base your goals on the fact that it is only five years, and don’t set your sights too far in this time.

Make a vision board to go with your plan

If you’re a more visual than planning person you can also make a vision board – I love doing this sort of stuff. Flick through magazines and find things that inspire you or that fit with your goals, and stick them all on a collage. This is really nice to go back to when you’re feeling in a bit of a rut.

Have backup plans

Or, rather than referring to them as a ‘backup’, have alternative plans. You’ll see on mine that I have different routes. Not only does it mean that any changes to it will feel less like a fail, but also gives you wiggle room if you change your mind.

Make sure you leave enough time

Don’t plan to move out one month, then start a business the next, then plan for three children in a year – give yourself plenty of time for everything, and really think about it when you’re on that part. Rather than plan things monthly I like to plan out first what I want to achieve in each year, then go in more specific if I want to.

Don’t focus all in on the serious

Throw little fun things that you want to achieve as well so it’s not all serious-focused. My thing is usually tattoos – something that’s easy to achieve, and isn’t a chore or challenge to complete.

My Plan

Year 1 – 2021 (Age 29)

Move out – either buy or rent with friends

Save money

Go on holiday – Cuba?

Have another tattoo

Year 2 – 2022 (Age 30)

Move to America for 1 year

(Alternative – move to London for 1 year)

Save money towards buying a house, rather than renting

Year 3 – 2023 (Age 31)

(If in UK) Travel Scotland

Potential holiday abroad

(If move to America didn’t happen) Go travelling

Buy a house

Year 4 – 2024 (Age 32)

If not settled in my current house, try to upgrade if possible

Cheap holiday abroad, dependent on budget

Year 5 – 2025 (Age 33)

Settle into wherever I am

Squeeze in another holiday abroad

Maybe get another tattoo



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