Happy (Halloween) Weekend #6

Yes, yes, I know it’s not Halloween yet – but next Sunday Halloween 2020 will be done and dusted – cries – so it makes more sense to do it this weekend. Also, this is a lovely little kick off to the start of the Halloween portion of Blogtober.

Realistic Halloween costume ideas from things that will probably actually scare you.

The Positive Postcard Club has a few Halloween themed postcards for us, I’ve already bought mine.

Try this Halloween travel quiz.

Advice on creating a planet-friendly costume this year.

It’s like that Halloween scene in Mean Girls, except your dad’s a strict sea king.

Dogs are adorning sheets for Halloween photo shoots, and they’re making Instagram so cute!

Check out this fun photoshoot of ghosts hanging around abandoned buildings.

A Halloween treat even the most challenged bakers among us can try.

An interesting article on the Halloween culture of Mexico, including the amazing Day of the Dead.

And finally, this mock-article that pretty much sums up me right now.



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