Blogging During Coronavirus

There’s no point skirting around it, everything has changed over the last few months, including the life and style of a blogger. I won’t pretend it’s been the biggest change in my own life – I wasn’t a full time blogger before this, and I wouldn’t particularly say I’m one now – but it has meant that blogging for me has changed in a number of ways.

I had an easy way of adjusting, as I was coming out of a two year break from blogging, and didn’t really have any intention much of coming back at all. But with all the extra time I thought I’d need something to focus on, and blogging was my go to. I just enjoyed it more than I’d remembered, and it stuck with me.

So without even starting on the style too much, having the extra time has affected my blogging lifestyle, and I’m sure it’s done the same for any other part-time bloggers out there. In a way we’ve become full time bloggers, but in the space of a day without having any of the intention, knowledge, or habits of being full time. And it’s been amazing!

Even from a blogger who had been away for a long time, I noticed very quickly that the subjects topics were changing. I went from blogging completely about days out and bank holiday plans, to blogging about staying at home and lock down diaries. Travel diaries were no more, but I found that at the start of this people wanted to read travel posts and get a bit of wanderlust fulfilment. By this stage I think we’re all over that, and we’re all desperate just to get outside again.

For me personally, I find that a mixture of posts has been working. Getting a break from all the lock down posts is definitely always welcome, but there’s no ignoring it completely. And for something so unprecedented – sorry, but the word had to come out sooner or later – it’s fun to share advice or what we’re all up to, and equally I’m loving seeing what everyone else is up to.

And for a part that’s aimed at the other bloggers out there, a big mention has to go to the blogging community. I have to say, when I was a blogger before I was a little bit half-arsed, but that was doing it alongside my degree and many university hangovers. This time, I’m immersed myself in the blogging community more, and discovered what a great bunch of people they are. Sorry about the cringe, cringe over…



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